I've cut the connector and add polycaps to inner part of hip(the gray part that connects skirt and legs) and the connector stick that have been cut are removable. Since unavailability of pla plates on my area, I use the remainder of used parts for cover the upper hip area,......

......the part (see at picture above ) is C1. I only cut and take the plate with the hole only.

This are the finished 'guy'.

I estimated that there are incerase on height of this model approximately about 1mm to 5mm, may due to the pla plates and polycaps at modded core block. Also you can see only at rear part that core b lock cannot fit 100% , but actually it' fit when you saw it from front :P.

This what this HGUC and HGUC GM suffers. the beam saber cannot stay on beam saber rack like what haapened to my HGUC G3 Gundam XP . To prevent this, I drill the hole at the beam saber rack and add a needle pin so this couldn't happen later.

The full view of core block transformation.

Kneeling pose are 'resonable' too :) .

The movable shoulder joint are removed due to the mod but it both hand are still able to hold the beam rifle toghether :D .

A good example for what I mentioned above.

the waist armor can turn 360 degree after modding :D
I wanna to said that this was quite successful attempt by me to mod the inner core block by myself. How about yours? Try it by yourself now and tell me the result .
Sorry, just to check will there be a gap between the body and lower body after the mod?
ReplyDeletethat's a hideous gap there..
ReplyDeletethe others already said what i want to say but it's still great mod :D
ReplyDeleteI dig the idea, but the gap is terrible.
ReplyDeleteSuggesting tray like contraption of
@katsuden:err.... if you clean the inside of torso well, hopefully the gap will unexisted (hopefully). Try your luck on this ;) and tell me the results.
ReplyDeleteZD: yeah...if ur do your job well at torso part...you can overcome the 'gap' problems since I know your potential in modding job :)
@aya: wow, really?! I'm appreciating your comment ;D
Gun: yeah, sounds like that and need more refining. And thanks for the given idea. Really informative :D