The first that I want to see firdt when opening its box is its B frame. Its material I can say that like polycaps material. Even we don't cut it from B-frame, its joint can move. Thats fantastic.

Look at Amuro figures, its small. I wondering how it can be painted like on manual provided.

Done with core fighter. It looks so small. The interesting thing is its cockpit hatch can be opened instead can be transformed into core block.

Comparing with HGUC G3's core fighter. G3 core fighter beat RG core fighter in terms of size.

Also the same situation happens here when it compared with HGUC ZZ's neo core fighter.

Its almostly identical in its size when compared with HG Impulse's core splendor.

Even the feet parts have so many small parts to be combined into one piece. That was like the MG feeling >_<

Its inner frame legs......

It was truely like MG inner frame joint 0.0

done with the and testing its joint flexibility......

Yeah..... damn Great! its armor moves when its joint moves. Same like MG. Great!
Till next post. need to done my work first (assignment) XP